A Life of Service

05-05-2024The Pastor's PenRev. Matthew R. Paratore, S.T.L., J.C.L.,Pastor

C. S. Lewis once provided a powerful image of the difference between heaven and hell.

He described hungry people sitting at a huge banquet loaded with delicious food. Every person had a meter-long fork and knife attached to their hands (that’s about three feet long). The scene in hell was one of anger, frustration, and fighting as people scrambled to feed themselves. They could reach the food with the long knives and forks, but they were too long to feed themselves. The conflict, screaming, and unfulfilled hunger continued for eternity--that is hell.


Mary, Mother of God: In Search of the Women Who Changed History by Gorny & Rosicon

05-02-2024Book Recommendations

The first extensive, thoroughly documented, richly illustrated account of the earthly life of the Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ. Produced by writer Grzegorz Górny and photographer Janusz Rosikon, the duo behind several bestsellers of similar major historical and illustrated works, who conducted exhaustive research and journalistic investigations to reconstruct the life and story of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


No Time for Kicking

04-28-2024The Pastor's PenRev. Matthew R. Paratore, S.T.L., J.C.L.

Dear Friend,

When I was a boy my pastor would read this poem when he sensed some argument that resulted in nothing getting done. We can recite it at home, school, work or at any organizational gathering.

A horse can't pull while kicking. This fact we merely mention. And he can't kick while pulling, which is our chief contention. Let's imitate the good old horse and lead a life that's fitting; Just pull an honest load, and then there'll be no time for kicking.


A True Helper and Friend

04-21-2024The Pastor's Pen

Dear Friend,

Among the many books wri)en by Henri Nouwen (1932-1996), one stands out as an enduring little classic, The Wounded Healer. For those who knew him, this book is especially powerful because, without expressly intending to do so, it describes very well the man himself. It was because of his own wounds that he was able to touch the lives of so many people.“By his wounds we have been healed,” St Peter wrote of Jesus (1 Peter 2:24).



04-14-2024The Pastor's PenRev. Matthew R. Paratore, S.T.L., J.C.L.,Pastor

Dear Friend,

I once read a marvelous story about a country doctor in Ireland who had a very poor practice.

Although his patients would pay him in eggs, chickens, vegetables at harvest, and meat at slaughtering time, his huge ledger book would contain many names, symptoms, treatments, and prescriptions, but a lot of empty boxes or columns where nothing was paid.


8 Doors Of Kingdom Meditations On Beatitudes by Fr. Philippe Jacques

04-07-2024Book Recommendations

The Gospel of St. Matthew shares with us astonishing words of Jesus: a promise of everlasting happiness, far removed from the usual recipes for gratification. Blessed are the poor in spirit! Blessed are those who mourn! Happy are the meek!...



04-07-2024The Pastor's PenRev. Matthew R. Paratore, S.T.L., J.C.L.,Pastor

Dear Friend,

Our Holy Father, Pope Francis recently gave an important pastoral instruction.

Gossip, he explained, is one of the most dangerous sins because it is so subtle and ambiguous -- many are unable to recognize it. Be on alert against gossip whenever you hear of “secret information” being circulated, or if you hear anyone else’s name is used in a conversation. Gossip exists whenever persons “talk about others” in less than a favorable way. The root of gossip is negativeness, judgementalism, slander. Avoid associating with people who gossip “A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid a man who talks too much” (Prov. 20:19). You probably remember the old saying: “If you can’t say something good about others, don’t say anything at all.” Wise advice if you wish to avoid sin.