Support Us
The beautiful and historic Church of Our Lady of Peace depends entirely on the financial support of parishioners, friends and visitors.
The magnificent sacred space of the church, enriching liturgies, acclaimed choirs, extensive community and charitable activities, service and education programs and other activities found at OLP are made possible only through the treasure of our parish community and our friends, near and far. We sincerely thank you for your continuing generosity and invite you to consider the ways in which you can contribute.
Electronic Giving
Our electronic giving program enables a parishioner to make donations on a regular basis by direct payments debited from one's bank account.
Parish Giving Program
The Gospels calls us to be good stewards of our time, talent and treasures. As good stewards of our treasures, parishioners are encouraged to contribute to the general operations of the parish and the many services it provides to the parish and the larger community. There are two forms in which these contributions can be made: the regular and special offerings at all the weekend Masses or, more easily through our automated electronic giving.
Electronic Giving. The preferred and convenient option for your offerings is our electronic giving program, which enables a parishioner to make donations on a regular basis by direct payments debited from one's bank account.
Envelope Giving. If you wish to use the traditional envelope to make your regular contribution during the offertory collection at Mass, you may designate this form of giving by indicating this method on our parish registration form.
Special Bequests
Many parishioners make a special bequest in their will to the Cathedral in many different forms, such as cash or in other forms such as stocks and bonds. For information on contributing in this way, contact the Parish Office.
Poor Box Donations
Poor Box donations are used to fund our Social Justice & Community Services programs. These special cash or check donations provide important financial support to the many outreach services to the community and the special needs of the local area; responding to the call of Jesus to serve those most in need. You are also encouraged to make a regular monthly contribution using our electronic giving method described above.