A man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh, so they are no longer two but one flesh."

Mark 10:7-8

If you are seeking the Sacrament of Marriage, congratulations on your engagement.

Couples contemplating the celebration of the Sacrament of Matrimony must be a registered parishioner and are asked to contact the rectory at least one year in advance and before wedding plans are finalized. Make an appointment with one of our priests to satisfy canonical requirements before a date can be set. A F.O.C.C.U.S. Session, God’s Plan for Marriage Session and Pre-Cana are necessary for every couple.

Make an appointment with the parish priest and look at the Pre-Cana preparation that will be required by going to the Diocese of Metuchen Marriage Preparation website.

  • A new copy of your baptism certificate within six months of the wedding as well as copies of your First Communion, and Confirmation certificates which need not be new copies.
  • A New Jersey State license to marry which can be obtained sixty days or less before the wedding.

Marriage can be celebrated within Mass called a nuptial Mass or in a ceremony outside of Mass. Usually a marriage between a Catholic and a Christian not in communion with the Catholic Church is celebrated in a ceremony outside of Mass. A marriage between a Catholic and unbaptized person can only be celebrated in a ceremony outside of Mass.