Dear Friend,
Many people turn water into wine. It takes at least six weeks. But with Jesus it took no time at all. And it required no effort: he did it without even a word or a gesture or command; it just turned into wine in his presence, and he instructed the waiters to take it to the table. C.S. Lewis remarked that all the miracles worked by Jesus were in accord with the laws of nature, and not against them.
READ MOREDear Friend,
The "Coronary and Ulcer Club" lists the following rules for members:
1. Your job comes first. Forget everything else.
2. Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays are fine times to be working at the office. There will be nobody else there to bother you.
READ MOREDear Friend,
At a recent gathering of university professors, one teacher reported that at his school the most damaging charge one student can lodge against another is that the person is being "judgmental." He found this pattern very upsetting. "You can't get a good argument going in class anymore," he said.
READ MOREDear Friend,
These are the last New Year's Resolutions of Saint Sir Thomas More who was executed by the English King Henry VIII in 1535 because of his fidelity and loyalty to the Pope. He was the Lord High Chancellor of England. The Church has named him Patron of Statesmen and Politicians.
READ MOREThink faith and science don't go together? Think again! Meet the faith-filled Catholics behind groundbreaking discoveries in science and math with this illuminating collection of twenty-eight biographies and stunning black-and-white illustrations of pioneering men and women like Father Gregor Mendel, Louis Pasteur, Saint Gianna Beretta Molla, and Sister Miriam Michael Stimson.