Veteran's Day

11-10-2024The Pastor's PenRev. Matthew R. Paratore, S.T.L., J.C.L.,Pastor

Dear Friend,

During World War I, a British commander was preparing to lead his soldiers back to battle.

They’d been on furlough, and it was a cold, rainy, muddy day.

Their shoulders sagged because they knew what lay ahead of them: mud, blood, possible death. Nobody talked, nobody sang.

It was a heavy time. As they marched along, the commander looked into a bombed-out church.

Back in the church, he saw the figure of Christ on the cross.

At that moment, something happened to the commander.

He remembered the One who suffered, died, and rose again.

There was victory and there was triumph.

As the troops marched along, he shouted out, ‘Eyes right, march!’

Every eye turned to the right, and as the soldiers marched by, they saw Christ on the cross.

Something happened to that company of men.

Suddenly they saw triumph after suffering, and they took courage.

With shoulders straightened, they began to smile as they went.

You see, anything worthwhile in life will be a risk that demands courage.

Those men prayed and did not lose heart.