
08-28-2022The Pastor's PenFr. Matthew R. Paratore, S.T.L., J.C.L.

Dear Friend,

What does hope in God do for humanity?

Hope shines brightest when the hour is darkest.
Hope motivates when discouragement comes.
Hope energizes when the body is tired.
Hope sweetens while bitterness bites.
Hope sings when all melodies are gone.


“Rather, when you hold a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind; blessed indeed will you be because of their inability to repay you." (Luke 14:13-14)

08-28-2022Everyday Stewardship - Recognize God in Your Ordinary Moments

One of the main principles of living a Stewardship lifestyle is to give without expecting anything in return. This is difficult for some to comprehend in our “consumerist” culture that we live in. This is even difficult for many parish communities that have become heavily dependent on parish fundraising events to support the mission and ministry of their local parish. Generally speaking, at a parish fundraiser, you pay money and receive something in return, it’s just a financial transaction. This is opposed to our parish offertory at Holy Mass, where you unite your sacrifice with Jesus’, renewing our covenant relationship with Him.

“For behold, some are last who will be first and some are first who will be last.” (Luke 13:30)

08-21-2022Everyday Stewardship - Recognize God in Your Ordinary Moments

Our cultural standards are different from God’s standards. We often rank people by what they have, how powerful they are, or how successful they are. Jesus reminds us that God will not judge us by the same earthly standards. When God asks you: How have you lived Stewardship? What have you done with the gifts I have given you? How will you respond?

Caring and Healing

08-21-2022The Pastor's PenFr. Matthew R. Paratore, S.T.L., J.C.L.

Dear Friend,

Among the many books written by Henri Nouwen (1932-1996), one stands out as an enduring little classic, The Wounded Healer. For those who knew him, this book is especially powerful because, without expressly intending to do so, it describes very well the man himself. It was because of his own wounds that he was able to touch the lives of so many people.“By his wounds we have been healed,” St Peter wrote of Jesus (1 Peter 2:24).


Making Choices

08-14-2022The Pastor's PenFr. Matthew R. Paratore, S.T.L., J.C.L.

Dear Friend,

A man named Peter inherited a huge land grant, but the will provided that he could choose land in either Chile or Brazil. He chose Brazil. Unhappily, if he had chosen Chile, he would have received his inheritance in land on which they had recently discovered uranium, gold and silver. But he chose Brazil. When he arrived in Brazil he had to choose between receiving his inheritance in a coffee plantation or land with Brazil nut trees. He chose the nut trees, and immediately the bottom fell out of the nut market, but coffee futures went up two dollars a pound. The government took control of the nut farm for back taxes, and Peter was left destitute.


“Do you think I have come to give you peace on Earth? No, I tell you, but rather division.” (Luke 12:51)

08-14-2022Everyday Stewardship - Recognize God in Your Ordinary Moments

Many of us like to play it safe, not cause waves with our family and friends, especially when it comes to politics and religion. We Don’t want to cause any turmoil. However, many times this is at the expense of the truth. The truth being Jesus Christ. Too many people are misguided because they rely on their own limited human ability to reason and are not allowing faith in God to guide them. Live in Stewardship by forming your conscience; take a stance for life, marriage and religious liberty.

Keep your eyes on Christ

08-07-2022The Pastor's PenFr. Matthew R. Paratore, S.T.L., J.C.L.

Dear Friend,

During World War I, a British commander was preparing to lead his soldiers back to battle. They’d been on furlough, and it was a cold, rainy, muddy day. Their shoulders sagged because they knew what lay ahead of them: mud, blood, possible death. Nobody talked, nobody sang. It was a heavy time. As they marched along, the commander looked into a bombed-out church. Back in the church he saw the figure of Christ on the cross. At that moment, something happened to the commander. He remembered the One who suffered, died, and rose again.


“For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.” (Luke 12:34)

08-07-2022Everyday Stewardship - Recognize God in Your Ordinary Moments

Jesus encourages us to build up our treasure in heaven. The world encourages us to build up our treasure in real estate, investments, and material goods. How much time are you investing in building up a worldly treasure? How much time are you investing in building up a heavenly treasure? To invest more in the things of heaven, you must live Stewardship and let go of some of the things of this world.

Shepherd Who Didnt Run Fr Stanley Rother Martyr From Oklahoma by Maria Ruiz Scaperlanda

08-01-2022Book Recommendations

"The shepherd cannot run at the first sign of danger." – Fr. Stanley Francis Rother

Fr. Stanley Rother was true to his word. He did not run. And was martyred at the age of 46.

Fr. Stanley arrived in Guatemala in 1968, and immediately identified with his parishioners' simple, farming lifestyle. He learned their languages, prepared them for the Sacraments, and cared for their needs.